Your previous creditor has assigned your debts, thus the right to repay the debt has been transferred to OÜ GS Core.
Payment can be made:
♦ in every Estonian commercial bank;
♦ In Estonian post offices (it must be taken into account that the payment may be transferred to our account with a delay);
♦ In our self-service
♦ in your Internet bank (AS Swedbank customers are advised to use the assigned payment).
Payment details:
GS Core OÜ
a/a Swedbank IBAN: EE112200221076533241
NB! The contract number must be indicated in the explanation of payment.
It is recommended to make the payment to the current account indicated in the warning letter of OÜ GS Core, but the transfer can also be made to the current account of OÜ GS Core:
AS Swedbank, EE11 2200 2210 7653 3241
The debt recovery case number is an identifier, which allows identifying the specific case of debt recovery. The number of the debt recovery case is also specified in letters.
We issue the confirmation only to those debtors whose creditor is OÜ GS Core.
Yes, the debt may be paid by instalments by previously arranging it with the debt recovery specialist responsible for your debt; however, we ask you to evaluate the possibilities to pay the debt within the shortest period possible since payment by instalments may increase the costs of debt management and the penalty and interest identified in your agreement.
In this case, we urge you not to ignore our letters and calls, but to send us a written application with substantiated claims immediately, enclosing copies of documents confirming the existence of the debt to a lesser extent or not at all.
Before making such a decision, we recommend that you carefully consider the possibilities of fulfilling your debt obligations and avoid even bigger problems at an early stage.
In the event of default, account must be taken of the fact that:
• interest may increase;
• your debt details may be entered in a public default register;
• legal proceedings may be instituted.
The Civil Law regulates the process of selling the right to claim or cession. In the process of cession, the right to claim the debt is purchased, resulting in the change of the debtor’s creditor. The new creditor is entitled to demand the debtor to fulfil all the debt commitments arising from the agreement with the previous creditor.
Reimbursement of the costs of debt collection from the consumer or debtor. The obligation of the debtor to pay recovery costs arises from § 113 (2) of the law of Obligations Act.