
Purchase of debts

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Cession transactions

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Our services

Purchase of debts
Cession transactions

We offer an opportunity to agree on the purchase of debts – cession of claim rights. Cession, for you as a creditor, provides with a quick recovery of funds, avoiding a long and expensive recovery process, as well as frees your balance from receivables, thus allowing you to invest funds for the development of your company's core business.
We will analyze the list of debtors (debt portfolio) you have provided and provide an offer for the debt purchase fee. Upon concluding the cession agreement, all documents confirming the obligation are handed over to us as the assignee (buyer of the debt). Your debtors are informed about the fact of the cession, and then the recovery process is started.

Purchase of debts

In a debt purchase transaction, the creditor is replaced by another person in the relationship with the debtor. Suitable in cases where all the terms of the contract need to be passed on.

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Cession transactions

In an cession transaction, the creditor transfers his claim against the debtor to another person (cessionaire). Suitable in cases where only a claim needs to be submitted.

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